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International Cooperation Program

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

ASEAN TVET Competency Training Program

  • Strengthen technical and vocational education and training competencies of key ASEAN countries (Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia) by providing training to vocational training specialists
  • Spread the outstanding Korean vocational training model and reinforce the system of cooperation in vocational training with ASEAN countries


  • Program

    ASEAN TVET Competency Training Program
    Field: Android-based Internet of Things (IoT) application development and human resource development (HRD) teaching methods

  • Target countries and number of students

    6 ASEAN countries
    Target countries: Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Philippines, Myanmar


6 weeks (180 hours)


IoT major course: 144 hours
Classification Details
Develop and strengthen key major competencies by providing learning modules for Android-based software design and development to vocational training specialists
Major courses (draft)
  • C Programming
  • Introduction to Smart Factory
  • Arduino Programming
  • Arduino Application Exercises
  • Python
  • IoT Programming
  • IoT Platform
  • IoT Application Exercises
  • Team project: Action Plan
  • Special Technical Exhibition, etc.
HRD special lecture: 30 hours
Classification Details
Strengthen the human resource development competencies of future instructors through courses introducing outstanding vocational training policies and systems and effective teaching methods of Korea to vocational training specialists
Major courses (draft)
  • Introduction to HRD
  • Educational Assessment
  • Basics of Statistics and Exercises
  • JAMOVI Exercises
  • Field trips to TVET institutions

Number of students

2019: 20 (6 countries)
Country Total Laos Vietnam Indonesia Cambodia Philippines Myanmar
Number of students 20 3 4 5 3 2 3
2020: 9 (3 countries)
Country Total Laos Vietnam Indonesia Cambodia Philippines Myanmar
Number of students 9 - - 4 2 - 3

10 students did not attend due to the COVID-19 pandemic

2021 (in progress): 15 (5 countries)
Country Total Laos Vietnam Indonesia Cambodia Philippines Myanmar
Number of students 15 3 2 4 3 3 3
2022: 20 (5 countries)
Country Total Laos Indonesia Cambodia Vietnam Myanmar
Number of students 20 3 6 4 3 4
2023: 20 (4 countries)
Country Total Indonesia Cambodia Laos Vietnam
Number of students 20 4 8 4 4