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University/Graduate School

School of Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

Educational Objective

Electrical Engineering Major

The educational objective of the Electrical Engineering major is to cultivate students with creative thinking based on basic engineering knowledge and through in-depth education on the production, supply and application areas of electrical energy and, by extension, foster leading engineers and competency development experts who can develop new energy sources in the future.

Electronics Engineering Major

The Electronics Engineering major aims to cultivate world-class electronics engineers who have design and analysis abilities for semiconductors and displays, intelligent systems/robots and application software, adaptability to the field and the ability to learn new technology, the global capacity to lead a knowledge and information society, and teamwork skills and field teaching abilities through fundamental engineering knowledge and basic humanities knowledge.

Information and Communication Engineering Major

The Information and Communication Engineering Major aims to cultivate ICT convergence experts (communication engineers, network system developers and software developers) in the IoT, big data, cloud, mobile communication/network and information protection fields by teaching theoretical knowledge about networks/security, communications system, embedded systems, and software and through experiments and practice to support the knowledge.

Curriculum (Major Competency Road Map)

Electrical Engineering Major

Year Level to Complete Smart Grid Development Eco-friendly Device Development Intelligent Control and Electrical Application
Mandatory Elective Mandatory Elective Mandatory Elective
Freshman 2nd Semester Creative Engineering Design (AD) Basic Electrical and Electronics Practice, Creative Engineering Design (AD) Creative Engineering Design (AD)
Sophomore 1st Semester Electromagnetics 1, Circuit Theory Electrical Engineering Practice I, Circuit Theory Digital Engineering, Eco-friendly Energy Engineering and Practice Circuit Theory Eco-friendly Energy Engineering and Practice
2nd Semester Alternating Current Circuit Theory Electromagnetics II Alternating Current Circuit Theory, Electrical Engineering Practice II, Electronic Circuits Digital System Design and Practice, Electric Circuit Simulation Alternating Current Circuit Theory, Electrical Engineering Practice II Digital System Design and Practice, Electric Circuit Simulation
Junior 1st Semester Electrical Devices I and Practice Microprocessors and Practice, Power Electronic Engineering and Practice, Control Engineering Advanced Electronic Circuits, Electrical Energy Engineering Microprocessors and Practice, Electrical Devices I and Practice, Power Electronic Engineering and Practice, Control Engineering Electrical Energy Engineering
2nd Semester Engineering Design (Capstone Design) Electrical Devices II and Practice Engineering Design (Capstone Design) Semiconductor Engineering and Practice, Embedded Application and Practice, Electrical and Electronic Materials, Motor Driving and Practice, Control System Design Engineering Design (Capstone Design), Power Engineering Semiconductor Engineering and Practice, Embedded Application and Practice, Electrical Devices II and Practice, Motor Driving and Practice, Control System Design
Senior 1st Semester Graduation Design (Capstone Design) Electrical Device Design, Electrical Equipment Supervision Theory and Practice Graduation Design (Capstone Design) Cyber-physical Systems, Automation Engineering and Practice, Electrical Equipment Design Theory and Practice, Electrical Application and Practice, Power Supply Design, Applied Superconductivity Engineering Graduation Design (Capstone Design) Microgrid Engineering and Practice, Electrical Equipment Design, Electrical Equipment Superintendence Theory and Practice, Electrical Equipment Design Theory and Practice, Electrical Equipment Design-dedicated Program Practice, Electrical Application and Practice, Electrical Power System Engineering
2nd Semester HRD OJT HRD OJT Robot Engineering, Antenna Theory, Electrical Signal Processing HRD OJT Robot Engineering, Smart Grid Engineering and Practice

Electronics Engineering Major

Year Level to Complete Semiconductor and Display Design Intelligent System and Robot Development System and Application Software Development
Mandatory Elective Mandatory Elective Mandatory Elective
Freshman 2nd Semester Electric Circuit Practice, Creative Engineering Design (AD) Creative Engineering Design (AD) Creative Engineering Design (AD)
Sophomore 1st Semester Digital Engineering and Practice, Electronics Engineering Practice Semiconductor Devices Digital Engineering and Practice, Electromagnetics, Circuit Theory
2nd Semester igital System Design and Practice, Electronic CAD Practice, Electronic Circuits
Junior 1st Semester Advanced Electronic Circuits Microprocessors and Practice Communication Engineering, Network Theory
2nd Semester Engineering Design (Capstone Design) Optoelectronics, Semiconductor Processes and Practice Engineering Design (Capstone Design) Control Engineering Engineering Design (Capstone Design) Digital Signal Processing and Practice, Embedded Software and Practice, Deep Learning and Practice
Senior 1st Semester Graduation Design (Capstone Design) Display Engineering, Semiconductor Equipment Engineering Graduation Design (Capstone Design) Intelligent Robot Engineering, RF Circuit Design Graduation Design (Capstone Design) Vision Systems and Practice
2nd Semester HRD OJT Engineering Design and Patents, Next-generation Displays HRD OJT Engineering Design and Patents, Digital Communication and IoT, Antenna Theory HRD OJT Engineering Design and Patents, Digital Communication and IoT

Information and Communication Engineering Major

Year Level to Complete Communication System Development Network System Development System and Application Software Development
Mandatory Elective Mandatory Elective Mandatory Elective
Freshman 2nd Semester Data Communication and Practice
Sophomore 1st Semester Digital Engineering and Practice, Circuit Theory, Circuit Theory Practice, Creativity Development Practice Creativity Development Practice Basic ICT Engineering and Practice, Creativity Development Practice
2nd Semester Microprocessors and Practice, Electronic Circuits and Practice, Communication Engineering Operating Systems Microprocessors and Practice, Data Structure and Algorithms, Operating Systems
Junior 1st Semester Digital Communication and Practice Communication Signal Processing and Practice Computer Networks Network Programming and Practice, Databases and Practice Network Programming and Practice, Databases and Practice, Computer Vision and Practice
2nd Semester Engineering Design (Capstone Design) Wireless Communications IoT Wireless Networks Engineering Design (Capstone Design) IoT Application Programming, Internetworking Practice, IoT and Practice, IoT Wireless Networks Engineering Design (Capstone Design) IoT Application Programming, Mobile Programming, Embedded Application and Practice, IoT and Practice
Senior 1st Semester Graduation Design (Capstone Design) Theory of Mobile Communication Information and Coding Graduation Design (Capstone Design) Network Security and Practice, Network Data Analysis Graduation Design (Capstone Design)
2nd Semester HRD OJT RF Circuit Design HRD OJT System Security and Practice HRD OJT Machine Learning