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University/Graduate School

Department of Industrial Design Engineering

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄
School of Industrial Design Engineering

The School of Industrial Design Engineering places emphasis on cultivating smart product and affective convergence service design experts who have both creative problem-solving skills and design expression skills through convergence education of design and engineering.

Educational Objective

  • To cultivate talented individuals in design and engineering who have creative problem-solving skills

  • To cultivate smart product design experts utilizing fourth industrial revolution technologies

  • To cultivate service/experience design experts who can provide satisfying emotions and experiences to users


The curriculum of the School of Industrial Design Engineering consists of an undergraduate course that provides a four-year, eight-semester BS degree and a graduate course that provides a two-year, four-semester MS degree and a two-and-a-half-year, five-semester Ph.D. degree. The undergraduate course in the School of Design Engineering is divided into Major Preparation, Major Basic, Major Implementation, and Major Application.

Major course of Industrial Design Engineering includes Undergraduate course of BS Degree with 4 years, 8 semesters, and Graduate course of MS Degree with 2 years, 4 semesters. Undergraduate course consists of Design Fundamentals, Product Design, Human Factors Engineering, Computer Aided Industrial Design, Industrial Design Engineering Research, Design Engineering, and Digital Media Design.
  • Freshman Major Preparation

    College liberal arts courses to cultivate the academically inquisitive minds of university students (Mathematical Thinking/Physics Thinking/Physics Experiment/Problem-solving and Programming/Computational Thinking/English Reading and Writing/English Conversation I/Creative Thinking and Writing/College Life and Vision/Introduction to HRD), a basic engineering course (Drafting) to develop the basic qualifications of an engineering student, and design engineering courses to test and express the possibility and potential of a designer (Formative Art Design/Basic Design/Design Expression Practice).

  • Sophomore Major Basic

    Major Basic consists of introductory engineering courses aimed at forming a sound understanding of engineering (Mechanical Engineering and Practice/Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Practice), engineering theory and practice to develop knowledge and experience in basic design engineering (Applied Probability and Statistics/Design and Ergonomics/Design Materials), and design experiments and practice and basic theory courses for students to test and express their possibility and potential as designers (Making Studio/Creative Studio/Product Modeling Practice/Media Design/Digital Expression Techniques/CAID/Digital 3D Rendering/Graphic Design Practice).

  • Junior Major Implementation

    Major Implementation consists of engineering theory and practice courses (Design Engineering/Design History/Design Methodology), and courses to test on and take a comprehensive approach to design project implementation methods, processes and algorithms (Human Interface Design/Smart Product Design/3D Printing Application/CMF (Color, Materials, Finish)/Convergence Product Design/(Creative) Affective Design/Engineering Design/HRD OJT).

  • Senior Major Application

    Major Application consists of courses on carrying out design projects required by overall product development and planning (Graduation Design/HCI/Design Portfolios/Design Startups/Smart System Design/Design Communication/Design and Patents/UX Service Design/Design and Marketing/Special Lecture on Employment and Startups in Industries).

Design Engineering Major Liberal Arts Recommended Curriculum

Classification/Course Name Type Credit Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Remarks
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
(8 credits)
Korean Creative Thinking and Writing Mandatory 3 O
Presentation and Discussion
Advanced Writing
English English Reading and Writing Mandatory 3 O
English Conversation Mandatory 1 O
English Listening and Comprehension Mandatory 1 O
Mathematics Mathematical Thinking Mandatory 3 O It is recognized as mandatory for one MSC elective course other than the required MSC course specified in the Recommended Curriculum Road Map.
Science Physics Thinking 1 Mandatory 3 O
Physics Experiments Mandatory 1 O
Chemistry Thinking 1 Elective 3
Chemistry Experiments Elective 1
Computing Computational Thinking Mandatory 3 O
Problem-solving and Programming Mandatory 3 O
MSC Elective Refer to the course list Mandatory 3 O
Good Character and
Humanities Knowledge
(2 credits)
College Life and Vision Mandatory 1 O
Practical Exercises Mandatory
(Choose 1)
1 O
Physical Education
Art and Literature
(3 credits)
Refer to the course list Mandatory 3 O
Society and Psychology
(3 credits)
Mandatory 3 O
History and Philosophy
(3 credits)
Mandatory 3 O
Nature and Humanity
(3 credits)
Mandatory 3 O
Liberal Arts Elective (3 credits) Mandatory 3 O
Classification/Course Name Type Credit Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Remarks
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
MSC Engineering Basics (6-9 credits) Mathematics Applied Probability and Statistics Mandatory 3 O

Applied Probability and Statistics

Classification/Course Freshman Sophomore
Course Name Semester Course Name Semester
1 2 1 2
HRD Minor Introduction to HRD 2 Understanding of Career Development and Counseling 2
[HRD Elective] 2
Major Mandatory Basic Design 3 Creative Studio 3
Formative Art Design 3 Making Studio 3
Drafting 3 CAID 3
Design Expression Techniques 3 Mechanical Engineering and Practice 3
(Creative) Product Modeling Practice 3
Design and Ergonomics 3
Media Design 3
Elective [Choose 1 course]
- Design Materials 3
- Digital Expression Techniques 3
[Choose 2 courses]
- Digital 3D Rendering 3
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Practice 3
- Graphic Design Practice 3
Classification/Course Junior Senior
Course Name Semester Course Name Semester
1 2 1 2
HRD Minor Vocational Competency Development Training Assessment 3
Instructional Design and Teaching Method 3 [HRD Elective] 2
Major Mandatory Smart Product Design (Capstone Design) 3 Graduation Design (Capstone Design) 6
Engineering Design (Capstone Design) 1
Convergence Product Design (Capstone Design) 3
Elective [Choose 3 courses] [Choose 2 courses]
- Human Interface Design (Capstone Design) 3 - Design Portfolios 3
- 3D Printing Application (Capstone Design) 3 - Design Startups 3
- Design History 3 - Smart System Design (Capstone Design) 3
- Design Engineering 3 - Design Communication 3
- CMF(Color, Materials, Finish) 3
[Choose 4 courses]
[Choose 2 courses] - Design and Patents 3
- (Creative) Affective Design 3 - UX Service Design (Capstone Design) 4
- Design Methodology 3 - Design and Marketing 3
- Special Lecture on Employment and Startups in Industries 1