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University/Graduate School

Department of Architectural Engineering

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄
게시물 검색

There are a total of 8 posts. Order of registration Alphabetical order

이름Kim, Ki-Joo
  • Major Architectural Design and History
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  • Office공학2관 229호
이름Kim, Namho
  • Major Construction Materials
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  • Office공학2관 225호
이름Kim, Hyeok-Ki
  • Major Architectural Design
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  • Office공학2관 227호
이름Lee, Seung-Jae
  • Major Seismic Structure
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  • Office공학2관 226호
이름Choi, Jaehyun
  • Major Construction Engineering and Management
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  • Office2공학관 230호
이름Lee, Jin Gang
  • Major Construction IT
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  • Office2공학관 228호
이름Kim, Sang-Seup
이름Park, Kwang-Bum