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University/Graduate School

School of Industrial Management

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

Educational Objective of the School

  • To cultivate talented business administration students who have both fundamental engineering knowledge and basic humanities knowledge

  • To cultivate talented individuals who are adaptable to the field and have the ability to learn new technology

  • To cultivate talented individuals who have the global capacity to lead a knowledge and information society

  • To cultivate talented individuals who have both teamwork skills and field teaching abilities


Major Competency Road Map

Convergence Management Major

Convergence Management Major - Classification, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Career Path
Classification Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Career Path
Common Principles of Economics - Common Mandatory Courses Business Statistics and Practice - Common Mandatory Courses Graduation and Career Development 1 - Common Mandatory Courses
  • Microeconomics
  • Civil Law, Corporate Law, Etc.
Graduation and Career Development 2 - Common Mandatory Courses
Business Mathematics - Common Mandatory Courses Survey Analysis - Common Mandatory Courses Graduation and Career Development 3 - Common Mandatory Courses
International Business International Business - Common Mandatory Courses International Trad - Major Mandatory Courses
  • Introduction to ESG
  • ESG Strategy
Business Strategy - Major Mandatory Courses
  • Global Business Case Study
  • Innovative Global Leadership
  • Management Planning Staff
  • Overseas Business Staff
  • International Trade Staff
Technology Management Technology Management - Common Mandatory Courses Entrepreneurship - Major Mandatory Courses
  • R&D Management Staff
  • Technology Marketing Sales Staff
  • Technology Planning Staff
  • Intellectual Property Rights Staff
  • Startup Support Staff
  • Entrepreneur
Knowledge Service Startups - Major Mandatory Courses
  • Innovation Management
  • Technological Innovation Management and Policy
  • Technology-based Startups
  • Technology Strategy
  • High-tech Industry Strategy
  • Theory of High-tech Market Analysis
  • Startup Practice
Organization Organizational Behavior - Common Mandatory Courses Workforce Management - Major Mandatory Courses
  • Labor Relations Law
  • Employee Relations
  • Wage and Salary Administration
Macro Organization - Major Mandatory Courses
  • Negotiation
  • Organization Data Analysis
  • Human Resource Professional
  • Certified Public Labor Attorney
Marketing Principles of Marketing - Common Mandatory Courses Advertising and Practice - Major Mandatory Courses
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Marketing Data Analysis
Marketing Strategy - Major Mandatory Courses
  • Distribution Management
  • Marketing Planner
  • Survey Expert
  • Marketing Data Analyst
  • Business Consultant

Data Management Major

Data Management Major - Classification, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Career Path
Classification Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Career Path
Common Principles of Economics - Common Mandatory Courses Business Statistics and Practice - Common Mandatory Courses Graduation and Career Development 1 - Common Mandatory Courses
  • Microeconomics
  • Civil Law, Corporate Law, Etc.
Graduation and Career Development 2 - Common Mandatory Courses
Business Mathematics - Common Mandatory Courses Business Databases and Practice - Common Mandatory Courses Graduation and Career Development 3 - Common Mandatory Courses
MIS Introduction to Management Information Systems - Common Mandatory Courses Introduction to Big Data - Major Mandatory Courses
  • Service Management
  • Data Mining
  • Customer Relations Management
  • Internet Marketing
Introduction to e-Biz - Major Mandatory Courses
  • Learning Machine-based Business Analysis
  • Digital Marketing and Management Information Analysis
  • Data Analyst
  • Business IT Planning/Management
  • Data Analysis Staff
  • IT Company (IT Service, IT Consulting, Solutions) Work
Production Management Production Management - Common Mandatory Courses Management Science - Major Mandatory Courses
  • Supply Chain Management
  • System Modeling and Simulation
Quality Control - Major Mandatory Courses
  • Six Sigma Management
  • Smart Factory Management
  • Manufacturing and Production/Process Management Professional
  • Quality Control Professional
  • Supply Chain Management Professional
  • Smart Factory Management Professional
Finance Financial Management - Common Mandatory Courses Investment - Major Mandatory Courses
  • International Finance
  • Block Chain and Virtual Currency
  • FinTech Management
Financial Data Analysis and AI - Major Mandatory Courses
  • Investment and Risk Management
  • Company Finance Staff
  • FinTech Professional
  • Financial Analyst (Bank, Securities Firm, Corporation, Etc.)
Accounting/Taxation Accounting Principles and Practice - Common Mandatory Courses Management Accounting Practice - Major Mandatory Courses
  • Advanced Financial Accounting
  • Tax Accounting
Financial Accounting - Major Mandatory Courses
  • Accounting Data Analysis
  • Business Accounting/Tax Staff
  • CPA and Tax Accountant
  • Examination and Valuation Professional

Recommended Curriculum Road Map

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