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University/Graduate School

School of Liberal Arts

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

Educational Objective

Educational Objective
  • To cultivate creative convergence problem-solving competencies to provide innovative solutions to real-world problems based on humanistic insight
  • To cultivate challenge-oriented learning leaders who can create new opportunities based on communication competencies
  • To cultivate mathematical, scientific and computational thinking competencies that will become the foundation for the collective thinking of professional knowledge
  • To cultivate individuals with the Nauri (Y & I) character that fulfill their responsibilities and obligations to the community and the global society as well as to themselves


Curriculum - Freshman(1st semester,2nd semester), Sophomore(1st semester,2nd semester), Junior(1st semester,2nd semester), Senior(1st semester,2nd semester)
Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester
Basic Liberal Arts Language and Thinking Creative Thinking and Writing - Korean
  • Mandatory to earn five credits for Language and Thinking (Korean) and  Language and Thinking (English)
  • Refer to the curriculum road map by school and major for the semester to complete Language and Thinking
Presentation and Discussion - Korean
Advanced Writing - Korean
English Reading and Writing (Basic English Reading and Writing) - English
English Conversation - English
English Listening and Comprehension - English
Numerical Thinking Mathematical Thinking - Mathematics Basic Calculus - Mathematics
  • Mathematical Information Basics Mandatory to earn 18 credits for a BS, 10 credits for a BBS and 14 credits for a Design major
  • The Differential Equations substituted for Calculus for the School of Mechatronics Engineering
Calculus - Mathematics
Physics Thinking 1 - Science Physics Thinking 2 - Science
Physics Experiments - Science
Chemistry Thinking 1 - Science Chemistry Thinking 2 - Science
Chemistry Experiments - Science
Computational Thinking - Compu-ting Problem-solving and Programming - Compu-ting
General Liberal Arts Good Character and Humanities Knowledge
  • College Life and Vision Mandatory 1 credit * Physical Education 1: Korean Archery, Scuba Diving, Taekwondo, Bodybuilding, Horseback Riding, Skiing, Rowing, Pilates, Taekgyeon, Wind Surfing, Survival Swimming * Physical Education 2: Tennis, Badminton, Squash, Sports Dance, Golf
College Life and Vision Physical Education 1 and 2
Practical Exercises
  • Art and Literature
    • Understanding of Western Music
    • Understanding of Western Art
    • Understanding of Korean Literature
    • Art and Philosophy
    • Understanding of Motion Pictures Art
    • Society and Culture of Eastern Asia
    • Reading Eastern Asia Masterpieces
    • Photography and Appreciation
    • Understanding of World Literature
  • Society and Psychology
    • Understanding of Sociology
    • Understanding of Psychology
    • Modern Society and Family
    • Positive Psychology and Happiness
    • Civic Community and Moral Issues
    • Understanding of Politics
    • Understanding of Law
    • Reading Pop Culture
    • Understanding of Multiple Cultures and Global Citizens
    • Language and Psychology
    • Technology and Economics
  • History and Philosophy
    • Civilization and History
    • Understanding of Philosophy
    • Korean History
    • Life and Death
    • Oriental Philosophy and Ideas
    • Science and Technology Philosophy
    • Cultural History
    • Technology and Society
    • Critical Thinking and Discussion
  • Nature and Humanity
    • Atmospheric Environment and Climate
    • Fourth Industrial Revolution and Science
    • World of Physics
    • Chemistry in Life
    • Understanding of Life Science
    • Convergence Seminar
    • Data in Life
    • Humanity and Life and Appropriate Technology
    • Gender and Humanity
    • Speech and Humanity
    • Civilization and Mathematics
Liberal Arts Elective Liberal arts elective courses (refer to the course table in the catalog), K-MOOC, Physical Education 2