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University/Graduate School

Department of Human Resource Development

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄
게시물 검색

There are a total of 12 posts. Order of registration Alphabetical order

이름Yoon, GwanSik
  • MajorEducational Technology
  • E-mail View E-mail
  • Office인문경영관415
이름Kang, Hye-Young
  • MajorCareer & Vocational Counseling
  • E-mail View E-mail
  • Office인문경영관 411
이름Lee, Je-Kyung
  • MajorCareer Counseling
  • E-mail View E-mail
  • Office인문경영관413
이름Lee, Jin Gu
이름Kim, Woocheol
이름Kim, Mihwa
  • MajorInstructional Technology & Media
  • E-mail View E-mail
  • Office인문경영관 428
이름Park, Jiwon
이름Jung, Hye-kyung
  • MajorSocial research methodology
  • E-mail View E-mail
  • Office인문경영관427